Monday, 19 February 2024 11:42

Brady's Daily Horoscope

brady webpic400x400jpgTune in every weekday at 7:50!

Thursday, 15 February 2024 11:11

Morning Hang

morninghang logoThe Morning Hang with Ryan & Brady

Friday, 02 February 2024 14:43

Music Panel

You can directly affect the music we play by joining the 1073 Music Panel!

Love a song, like it, over it. Let us know! Sign up today.

This will take just a few minutes and you get to listen to a few song clips. Sign up now for the 1073 Music Panel and make your voice and favorite songs heard on 107.3 Alternative Cleveland! Once completed, you'll be entered to win a 4-pack of passes to the Greater Cleveland Aquarium! AND all winners will then be qualifed to win a pair of tickets to see Vampire Weekend on September 19, 2024 at Blossom Music Center!


Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:51

Digital Ticket Help

Need help getting your digital tickets set up and ready to go for event day? Find the guide you need below.








Tuesday, 28 November 2023 19:25

Holiday Thoughts w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey everyone!

Been a while but here we are! With the holidays here I thought we should touch on one of the many reasons for all the pretty lights, the beautiful trees and the big family gatherings. 

Talking with my tattoo artist she made some great points about why the holidays are her favorite, it feels GOOD to decorate and share quality time with friends and family! 

Really, it can be hard to power through this cold and busy time of year but take a moment to remember it’s not about the savings and the spending and the gifting… it’s about having FUN and making memories with the ones you love. 

It’s nice to give and recieve gifts but don’t feel like you have to. A girlfriend of mine is saving for a wedding and just bought a house and she loves to give actual gifts but it’s tight this year. So I suggested she could just make everyone her soup or something that is her “thing”. 

What I’m saying is, have the most fun decorating your home if you’re into it. Go drive around and look at the house lights and don’t feel any pressure to actually buy things for others. It’s just stuff. Life is so short we don’t need to be so hard on ourselves especially during the coldest time of year.

Attached are some of my favorite holiday songs <3 

I love you all, have a great safe holiday season and take care of yourself! 

Carrie Danger




Friday, 10 November 2023 06:24

Ralphie's Back in Cleveland!!!

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Ryan talks with Peter Billingsley who played Ralphie in "A Christmas Story!" He's back in town for the 40th Anniversary celebration of the film that was filmed in Cleveland! Here the interview below! 

Friday, 03 November 2023 10:15

Doug Does the Morning Hang

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Comedian Doug Benson is in Cleveland on Saturday, November 4th, for two shows at Dunlap's Corner Bar! He joined the Morning Hang with Ryan Lang to talk about that... and other stuff. 


Wednesday, 01 November 2023 20:38

You Should Be Proud Of Yourself w/ Carrie Danger

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Hello everyone! 

This past summer I saw something random on social media and it said “Instead of “I’m proud of you” what about, “you should be proud of yourself”” 

That got me thinking, why don’t we say that to kids or even yourselves? Many of us rely on the validation of others. Maybe we weren’t taught that we could be proud of ourselves, maybe we don’t want to “brag”. There could be a long list of reasons why we focus on the approval of others. 

Well I’m here to tell you, YOU should be proud of yourself! For everything you’ve accomplished. 

Of course it feels great to hear “I’m proud of you” from someone you care about or look up to but when we don’t get that validation, we feel hurt… so why not be comfortable and secure being proud of yourself? 

Recently, I made some big changes in my life for the better and I was seeking that reassurance from people around me instead of reassuring myself that… yeah I’m doing this and I’m doing great! (Also, imposter syndrome we can dive into another time) 

Now it’s hard to break that habit for ourselves as adults but what if we could change the narrative for the kids? Now I’m not saying that we can’t say “I’m so proud of you” but why not add some new phrases so they know that even if they got a B on that test, they know they worked hard and that’s something to be proud of too! 

Here are some phrases I want to incorporate not only with my niece and nephew but also my adult friends! 

“I see the progress you’ve made”
“You should be so proud of yourself!” 
“You grew a lot from that experience” 
“That took a lot of work” 

Here is one of the many links I found that helps shift the narrative, this is more focused on children but I’m here to say it can go a long way for adults too!

You should be so proud of yourself for all your hard work because I am! 

Take care of yourself.
Love, Carrie Danger

Thursday, 12 October 2023 07:45

Everyday I'm Shufflin'

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Nothing beats teambuilding... unless you couple teambuilding with shuffleboard! 

Went out to Forest City Shuffleboard with the 107.3 ALT CLE squad (see photo) and lemme tell you, it was a BLAST! I'd never played before, unless you count gym class in grade school, which begs the question that was part of the cirriculum... But as an adult, I have a renewed appreciation for the game and it's all thanks to Forest City Shuffleboard. 

So I teamed up with Brady Marks, who claims to have never played as well. Word of advice: if you can be on her team, do it, and if she ever challenges you to a "friendly game of shuffleboard," hard pass! She's deceptively good, which leads me to believe she was sandbaggin' and is some kind of professional shuffleboarder (I'm doing more research as we speak). 

Since they've opened at 4506 Lorain Avenue in 2017, business is booming! Hosting leagues, work parties, party parties, reunions, and more! They do it all, and not just with the shuffleboard, but with their kitchen! I had the this chicken slider (see reaction photo below). Heavenly, really! And on a personal note, for someone who doesn't drink (me), Forest City Shuffleboard provides a lot more than just your average bar. Obvi, the shuffleboard, but there are arcade games, and more... They even have that punch game so you can impress your date... or embarass yourself, but that's not the point. The point is there's so much more! 

Forest City 2

And the staff is so cool! Lexi in marketing and Brian behind the bar - great folks! So book your next party and help support a terrific local biz! As for me, I'll be steady shufflin' shufflin' shuffle-shufflin'... You get it. 

Forest City 3

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