Hey everyone! Yesterday was National Best Friends Day and I couldn’t miss out on my chance to talk about and highlight my amazing best friends!
What makes a best friend? Well a lot of things really. Someone you can confide in without judgment. Someone who will be honest with you even when you might not want to hear it.
A best friend is there for you and never lets you down. It doesn’t matter how long you have been friends, it’s the quality time you spend together that matters.
Of course you want to make sure you can laugh and have fun with that person HOWEVER you can have fun with just about anyone… it’s deeper than that.
Without my friends I don’t know where I would be today. I owe so much of my growth to them.
When my mom left this earth they were all there for me, when I needed to quickly get out of a situation that would have turned for the absolute worst, there they were helping me move.
The list goes on. We share great times and some of the hardest experiences someone can experience.
I am constantly telling my friends I love and appreciate them. Do it often!
Have a great weekend and give your best friend a call/text and let them know you care about them.
Take care of yourself,
Love, Carrie Danger