Monday, 01 May 2023 19:10

Weathers Show w/ Carrie Danger

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Hello all, I hope you had a great weekend! 

Over the weekend I was able to attend the Weathers show at Mahall’s and let me say… these guys can work a stage. It was great to see them LIVE and how they interact with the crowd and each other was refreshing. 

Wx and CD

For instance, at one point Cameron Boyer was handed a fan’s phone and took a video of himself on stage singing and made sure to get the other members in the shot! 

The venue was packed, everyone had great energy as the band played and kept feeding the crowd song after song while the whole room seemed to know every lyric to every song. After their set, they broke down their gear and made their way right to the merch table to meet with the fans that patiently waited in line. 

It was so beautiful to see their faces light up when they finally got to the table to meet the guys! Needless to say, the band was humble and very sweet, giving each person their own special interaction, taking pictures, signing merch and just being really great. 

Bonus: I got to meet two awesome women who just so happen to listen to the station, Brittany and Sabrina! 

CD and B and S

The show start to finish, 11/10. I highly recommend you go see this band next time their in town and don’t worry I’ll be sure to let you know!

As always, take care of yourself.
Love, Carrie Danger 

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