Hello everyone!
If you didn’t know, August is National Wellness Month AND we kick off the month with a Full Super Moon known as the Sturgeon Moon. In addition to the month beginning with a Super Moon, we will (almost) close on another Super Moon known as the Blue Moon on August 30th. To learn more about Super Moons, you can check out this article here.
As you know, I talk about self-care and routines often. So this month I will be doing a 4 part series on the topic.
About National Wellness Month was created by Live Love Spa, a place to discover new wellness products. This holiday was created to inspire others to focus on wellness and take time for self-care.
Let’s start with routines and why they are so important for our daily mental and physical health.
According to verwellmind.com a routine is important for many reasons but most of all a routine can help you during very stressful times where you might feel out of control or lost.
In my experience, having a routine is imperative to my daily success. When my life was turned upside down the first few times I didn’t have a set routine for myself and I felt lost and confused. The last time things hit the fan I decided I needed to incorporate more than just my morning lemon water. So I set a goal/routine of 3 mental health soaks a week. Just sitting in water. Then I built onto that. Every morning I started stretching, then my facial routine, then I added in earthing. It continues and now my morning/night routine is standard and I love it.
Now I know that a lot of you are busy. Maybe you’re a parent or maybe you are child free but still have such a packed schedule between work and play that it feels almost impossible.
The thing to know is you just need to start SOMEWHERE. I will always push my positive agenda of having lemon water first thing in the morning to anyone I meet. Somehow I don’t have a lemon tattoo yet.
Anyway, with this super moon and this month of wellness upon us, I think it’s so important that we all try and incorporate at least one healthy and positive thing to our day and then possibly build on that. I promise you, your state of mental health will improve.
I truly believe that with even the smallest routine, it can help us stay grounded and present in our daily lives.
Here is the link to the article that can elaborate more on the studies behind this rather than my personal experience.
As usual, take care of yourself!
Love, Carrie Danger
P.S. Today would have been Jerry Garcia's bday (53 yrs old) so I thought I would include a Grateful Dead song that brings me some peace and grounding: