Tuesday, 28 March 2023 19:05

Long Drives, Music & Tattoos w/ Carrie Danger

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Today I had the pleasure of driving 3 hours round trip to my previous town, Norwalk, Ohio. You may be thinking... where the hell is Norwalk? It's on the way to Cedar Point and Kalahari. 

Anyway, the point of this visit was to get a tattoo touched up. Much success, thanks Liz at The Electric Pen in Milan! 

I'm someone who grew up always on the road, long drives don't bother me at all. As long as I have great music or a true crime podcast, I'm solid. Today was filled with a bit of everything. The drive itself was therapeutic as was the ink! 

Plenty of thinking time. Self reflection is HUGE and so beneficial for personal growth. While reflecting it still amazes me just how important music is. Music can evoke feelings you didn't know you had. Music really touches everyone in some special way. Music inspires and helps us relax, it shows us a different side to those around us. You could meet someone and have no idea they just listened to Ice Cube's 'It Was a Good Day' and then moving on to rock out to The Melvins 'Honey Bucket' and topped it off with Radiohead 'All I Need'. Was that person me? Yes... yes it was.

Either way, each of those very different songs can make you feel very different feelings and emotions all wrapped into a short amount of time.

That's why 107.3 is so amazing, we play such a large variety of amazing new and throwback music for you to feel through your day.

So crank up the radio, go chase the sunrise or sunset and feel everything a little deeper. Make it mean a little more by adding the beauty of music to your day.  

Love you all, check your pie chart & take care of yourself <3 Carrie Danger 


Read 633 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 March 2023 20:32