Mental Health Monday

Monday, 14 October 2024 17:29

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys!  Today I want to talk about committing to yourself and what you want for your life. Your mind is powerful and will make you question your choices, especially when the going gets tough but it's up to YOU to stay committed and push on. Whatever you want to do, learn to play guitar, learn to sew, complete a 100 mile endurance run... whatever it is. Staying consistent and committing is the key to your success!  You are the one in charge of your life, own it! You're doing great and I hope you enjoy the audio from today's MHM!   …
Monday, 07 October 2024 17:36

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys! Today is National Forgiveness and Happiness Day, so I thought that would be a good starting point for MHM.  Take a listen to the audio below if you missed the segment live on Monday and I hope it resonates with you. We are approaching the holidays and think about how much better your family gatherings will be if you make the choice to release whatever grudge might be simmering and just forgive. It will make your Grandma happy and you will be happier too.  So much love, Carrie Danger    Carriedanger1 · Mental Health Monday 10-07-24    
Monday, 30 September 2024 17:01

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys! To wrap up the month of September I wanted to bring a slight close to the series we've been doing about basically unchaining your brain. Your mind is a powerful thing and can really mold your reality.  So today I talk about how your thoughts and what you focus on creates your reality and it's so true. How can you gently readjust the path your mind is on? Don't be mean to yourself and be patient because just like any workout routine or learning a new skill, it takes consistent practice. Listen to the full audio below and I hope…
Monday, 23 September 2024 16:46

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys!  To follow up on last week, where we talked about worrying and how it doesn't do you any good at all. I thought it would be nice to talk about something to bring you back to reality. A quote or something that can ground you. Maybe you can carry a worry stone, maybe a necklace or a qupte like I use. Listen to the full audio below and I hope it helps with whatever you might be going through. Authentically Yours, Carrie Danger    Carriedanger1 · Mental Health Monday 9-23-24  
Monday, 16 September 2024 17:21

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys! Today's quote is one I know you can relate with. Have you found yourself worrying about "what if this" or "what if that". What if they don't like me? What if I had said this instead of that? We have the gift of NOW, not the maybe's of tomorrow. I hope this MHM helps you as much as it's been helping me. Lately, I have been working on my mental strength and staying present without creating potential (unlikely) scenarios. You got it, check your pie chart and remember you aren't alone.  Love, Carrie Danger    Carriedanger1 · Mental Health Monday 9-16-24
Monday, 16 September 2024 17:07

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys!! We have all been conditioned to believe that a bit of health competition isn't so bad in life. You have a fun work competition to see who can take the most steps and drink the most water for a pot of money. Love that. BUT don't let comparing yourself get out of hand. Remember that yesterday's you is the only person you're going to be "better than".  When it comes to fitness and my workouts I decided to stop looking at others online who are paid to have flat tummies and big butts. I look at how fast I…
Monday, 26 August 2024 17:38

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey my LOTR lovers! This marks my second LOTR quote that's inspired MHM... I wonder how many more I can do.  Anyway, I think this one is perfectly timed as we approach Labor Day weekend. Hopefully you all get a 3 day weekend, however I realize that we are in a society where that just isn't possible. Either way, I know we have all been affected by burn out and I think this quote wonderfully sums it up.  Take a listen to the short audio below and remember to check your pie chart, you're doing great! Love, Carrie Danger    Carriedanger1…
Monday, 19 August 2024 17:34

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey friends, As I've said before, I do Mental Health Monday not just for you but WITH you. We are all going through things and that's why I love sharing my insights with you and getting insights in return. On my 'off' days I use the tricks that I mention in today's MHM and I hope you can use them too!  Yours Genuinely, Carrie Danger  Join me Monday afternoons at 5:20pm for Mental Health Monday where I bring you a little something motivational for you to start your week. It's only on 107.3 Alternative Cleveland with me, Carrie Danger.   Carriedanger1 ·…
Monday, 12 August 2024 17:41

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys!  We have all been in the situation where we want to give someone the world to help them through hard times. Recently, I faced that moment where I wished I could have done more but I did what I could. Insecurity speaks up and says "you should have done more" but I said to my inner critic "no I did my best and that's enough". That's what inspired this MHM and I hope this resonates and helps in some way. Whatever you're going through, just do your best.  Check out the audio from Monday but know that you can…
Monday, 05 August 2024 18:18

Mental Health Monday w/ Carrie Danger

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Hey guys!  Over the weekend I was hit with the urge to give up on something without even trying. Turn the car around because I was nervous about all the others that might judge me. It was a step by step process of... park the car, get out of the car, go inside and be brave. Then finally remind myself that you either go for it and see what happens or you give up and wish you would have done it. I'll tell you right now, I don't ever want to live with regret of not trying something new.  Check…
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