Wednesday, 05 April 2023 18:13

Roller Derby Part 3

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Picking up where we left off… the sport had come to a halt so Seltzer sold the rights to the International Roller Derby League to Roller Games, another league based in LA. They lasted a few years longer even holding a bout at Madison Square Garden between the Tokyo Bombers and the Chiefs that drew a very large crowd but again by 1975 Roller Games had also gone by the wayside.

There were a few attempts to bring it back in the 80’s and 90’s but it wasn’t until 2001 when a group of women in Texas revived the sport. Women’s Flat Track Derby Association or W.F.T.D.A., has grown exponentially and there are currently 429 Member Leagues on 6 continents, according to

If you didn’t know we have the Burning River Roller Derby League right here in Cleveland. I can tell you from experience that team can SKATE! They are amazing to watch and learn from. If you live more in the Akron area you don’t have to drive very far as there is the Akron Roller Derby League in the Rubber City.

As for myself, it’s been 10 years since I’ve skated and let me tell you… it was such an incredible experience! I was lucky to learn and skate with the most amazing women I’ve ever met and will have a bond with till the end. Wherever life takes us, I know I have a great pack of sisters on my side! I could go on and on and share stories of some wild times BUT I will close this series.

Thank you so much for reading and coming along this journey with me! Below enjoy Joan Jett & The Black Hearts 'Bad Reputation' as that was a regular song in my head when I would skate. Also, Jim Croce 'Roller Derby Queen' as recommended by Cgma Guy. 




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