Carrie Danger

Carrie Danger

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 19:27

Words That Stick w/ Carrie Danger

Hello all, today is a beautiful day and I was inspired by our very own Brady Marks to write this blog. 

Originally, I wanted to dive into an album that we all know and hopefully respect HOWEVER that can wait till tomorrow. 

Today, I got outside for a trail walk that turned into a lovely run, it was everything a girl could want. While on this run I remembered when I started outside running, very different from treadmill running, both are wonderful, don’t stop moving your body. I was talking with the person I was dating at the time and said “I need my water but I can’t find the right bag for it” and he said “Real runners don’t need water to run outside”. 

Rude. Those are words that stick. 

Be careful with things you say to those you say you love, because years down the line they could be doing some mundane activity and your words pop into their heads. 

It didn’t deter me from running but I did almost fall over from needing water after a 5 mile run. 

So in conclusion, you can catch me outside running with my adorable water bottle and living my best life. 

Speak with kindness and good intentions, you want the words that stick to be positive and encouraging. 

Attached is a song that is great for running and also a favorite of mine, enjoy!

As always, check your pie chart and take care of yourself. 
Love, Carrie Danger





Monday, 08 May 2023 19:36

Chicago & Wavves w/ Carrie Danger

Hello everyone! Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending my sister's college graduation in Chicago. 

Let me start off with how proud I am of her for not only completing college but doing it against the odds and knocking it out of the park. The amount of hurdles she overcame to get to the finish line just shows how determined she is. 

Here is an attempt at a selfie with the polaroid but our brother is quite tall! 

Erin Carrie Sean polaroid

The ceremony was inspiring with some incredible speakers that made me want to go back to school. The family and I enjoyed food and drinks at a hole in the wall pub called Black Sheep, fantastic. 

I was able to hit a record store called Rattleback Records, it was great! If you’re wondering, I am continuing my Radiohead collection and picked up ‘Hail to the Thief’.  

Also got to check out a really cool thrift store called Brown Elephant, please go if you visit the city! These shops were across the street on Clark so keep that in mind. 

All good things must come to an end and on my drive back I dove into a band I just discovered called Wavves. If you like a distorted alternative sound you’ll most likely enjoy these guys! I’ll attach the song that got me hooked on them.

Well as usual check your pie chart, take care of yourself. 
Love, Carrie Danger



Wednesday, 03 May 2023 19:05

National Paranormal Day w/ Carrie Danger

We are just about halfway to Halloween and today is National Paranormal Day!

*cue thunder and lightning striking* 

For all my ghost chasing friends out there, everyday is a paranormal day. 

Paranormal: not scientifically explainable or supernatural.

What is really happening in the Bermuda Triangle? Did you really hear a baby crying from your attic or are you just spooked from the scary movie you just watched? 

Maybe you’ve witnessed a UFO and you just KNOW it was a real UFO and not a plane. 

Personally, I have experienced some creepy, unexplainable instances in my life. From shadow people that followed me to 4 different homes to feeling that dark presence when I turn out the light to go to bed… which inevitably I turn the lights right back on and go to sleep. 

The experiences aren’t all bad, I have had many visits from my mom in the form of smells. 
In fact just the other day I was doing my cinnamon abundance ritual (try it, it really works) and as I was just about to blow the cinnamon into my home I got a big whiff of the laundry detergent she used. Wild and incredible, thanks momma! 

I think it’s fun to explore the unknown and connect with the other side. 

So grab your friends and make sure you sage your Ouija board before diving into a conversation with another worldly being and always say goodbye. 

Is the truth out there? There is only one way to find out… 

As always, take care of yourself and don’t let the ghouls and goblins get you! 
Love, Carrie Danger





Tuesday, 02 May 2023 19:05

Check Your Pie Chart w/ Carrie Danger

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and as a lot of you know I am big on mental health. 

I have been asked many times what I’m talking about when I say “check your pie chart” so I thought I would do my best to explain it here. It’s easier to explain verbally but maybe I’m over complicating it. 

Checking your mental pie chart… So one day in therapy I was going on about something that was taking up a lot of my mental space. 

My amazing therapist says something along the lines of … “You’re using up a lot of your mental pie chart for this thing. You should be using that space on you and your desires” Thank you Kara! 

So we drew out a pie chart and that big space that was consuming me turned into the “me” chunk. Are you following? Yes? Okay, good. 

Just like that, she gave me a tool that I can use when I am overthinking about something or someone. When I find my mind wandering on something that I can’t control, I remind myself “check your pie chart”. 

Is it something you can solve? Is it someone you can get through to? Are you able to write it down on a to do list and come back to it when you have the time and emotional bandwidth? 

Obviously, I understand that we all have so many heavy things that happen to us and of course our minds will focus on whatever it is. However, in my situation I was hung up on something that was not good for me and it really took a lot of my mental capacity and happiness away from me. No more. I set my mind and heart free in January and the growth and healing from just this simple phrase has had the most positive impact on my life. 

So please take note when you’re overthinking and feel that weight on your shoulders, remind yourself you’re human and it’s okay but don’t lose yourself to your thoughts. 

You are valid, you are worthy, you are enough! 

Check your pie chart, take care of yourself. 
Love always, Carrie Danger

Monday, 01 May 2023 19:10

Weathers Show w/ Carrie Danger

Hello all, I hope you had a great weekend! 

Over the weekend I was able to attend the Weathers show at Mahall’s and let me say… these guys can work a stage. It was great to see them LIVE and how they interact with the crowd and each other was refreshing. 

Wx and CD

For instance, at one point Cameron Boyer was handed a fan’s phone and took a video of himself on stage singing and made sure to get the other members in the shot! 

The venue was packed, everyone had great energy as the band played and kept feeding the crowd song after song while the whole room seemed to know every lyric to every song. After their set, they broke down their gear and made their way right to the merch table to meet with the fans that patiently waited in line. 

It was so beautiful to see their faces light up when they finally got to the table to meet the guys! Needless to say, the band was humble and very sweet, giving each person their own special interaction, taking pictures, signing merch and just being really great. 

Bonus: I got to meet two awesome women who just so happen to listen to the station, Brittany and Sabrina! 

CD and B and S

The show start to finish, 11/10. I highly recommend you go see this band next time their in town and don’t worry I’ll be sure to let you know!

As always, take care of yourself.
Love, Carrie Danger 

Happy Friday Everyone! 

As usual, I was driving quite a bit today before work and the rain really set the tone for the music.

It was a very chill vibe as I ran tedious errands with the occasional hype song thrown in there. 

What are some songs or an album that makes you feel just right on a gloomy day? 

I’ll plug in some of the highlights from my day that I think you might like as well.

Highly recommended: All of them of course but really listen to the lyrics of 'Mucho' by Dopapod 

Have a fantastic weekend ahead and if you’re going to Weathers at Mahall’s I’ll see you there! 

Take care of yourself. Love, Carrie Danger







Thursday, 27 April 2023 19:28

Self Care Poem by Carrie Danger

Today I did a lot of driving before coming into work and with driving comes thinking. For better or worse, long drives can encourage us to just think. Like I said… for better or worse! IYKYK. 

Anyway, many things went through my mind regarding a long list of topics. To pick just ONE, I decided to simply share a poem about self love and self care. 

This poem was actually inspired by a listener (Thanks Lisa!) who mentioned they enjoy that I talk about mental health on air. 

It’s clear I am a very positive and optimistic person but we are all only human and dark days come and go. So I like to use this platform to remind everyone that it’s okay to have a hard day, just make sure you do something to take care of yourself so you don’t spiral. 

Check your pie chart, take care of yourself. Love, Carrie Danger


You’re Doing Great, Rest Your Head 

Rest your head
Close your eyes 
It’s time for bed 
Your thoughts are a cycle
They tend to race 
Just try to remember 
To keep a steady pace 
You’ve worked so hard 
You’ve done so much 
Now it’s time 
To get in touch 
Sit back and relax 
Listen to your favorite song 
Because precious sleep, my dear 
Will be here before long 
Try to breathe 
Take a big, deep breath 
You’ve done enough for the day 
Now it’s time for rest 
Whatever is on your mind 
Can be solved in due time 
Close your eyes, my little one 
I know your plate seems full 
Reach out to those that care for you 
It’s OK to pull back the wool
Whatever it is
Wherever you’re going 
You’re doing great
Take comfort in knowing 
You are so loved 
You’re not alone 
Take care of yourself 
This world is your throne 

Disclaimer: this poem was written in the early morning hours on my drive home from work, so be kind. 

Wednesday, 26 April 2023 19:43

Weathers Interview w/ Carrie Danger

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down via Zoom with Weathers. These 3 dudes are cool and down to earth. It was so nice to chat with them about their latest song ‘All Caps’ and their upcoming album. 

You can listen to the full interview below and mark your calendars for May 5th when they drop their next album ‘Are We Having Fun’. In the interview they dive into the inspiration behind this album and I really think you’re all going to dig it. 

Don’t forget they will be at Mahall’s along with guest Meg Myers this Saturday April 29th! 

As always, take care of yourself! Love, Carrie Danger

Weathers Interview w/ Carrie Danger 


Tuesday, 25 April 2023 21:17

Thank You Too! MMJ w/ Carrie Danger

Today I thought I would talk about a song that inspired some tears on my drive into work today. 

The song is “Thank You Too!” by My Morning Jacket

Music can evoke so many emotions, it’s a love language. We will dive into that in another blog. 

Right now, let’s talk about how just one song can make someone fell so many things all at once. 

This song is one that I sent with love to an ex, I don’t regret sharing such a deeply beautiful song with him… it was how I felt at the time. 

However, I do listen with a different heart now. It takes time to listen to music you shared with someone you cared for that wasn’t meant for you. 

Well I was finally able to listen to it a few months ago and randomly today it really brought out a lot of emotions. Not about him but about my mom.

I don’t know about you but when I hear a song that brings out any emotion, I listen to it over and over. Even if it hurts. 

This song is beautiful and so open and honest. I’ll let you feel your own feelings when hearing this, possibly for the first time. The whole ‘Evil Urges’ album is incredible, 10/10. 

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do, thank you for listening and as always… check your pie chart &  take care of yourself.

Love, Carrie Danger



Monday, 24 April 2023 18:55

Sloan at the Grog Shop w/ Carrie Danger

We are back from a nice weekend of RSD, Earth Day and I thought I would tell you all about my Evening with Sloan at the Grog Shop! 

Let’s set the scene… classic Grog Shop, dark, smells like rockstar sweat and the love of music, there is a beautiful backdrop of large silver sequins. Behind the drummer and keyboardist hangs a huge paper-mache SLOAN sign, the beauty lies in the taped up holes that were surely earned on their tour. People of all ages (even as young as 8yrs old) pack in to see these incredibly friendly and talented musicians. I hear the signature “Slooooooaaaaannnnn” call for the band from the crowd. 

No need for an opener, we know we are only here for them. 

If you don’t know Sloan, I truly hope this blog will introduce you to a fantastic band for all. 

Sloan got their start in 1991 in Halifax, Nova Scotia then moved to Toronto. With 13 albums these guys have really stood the test of time. 

I only know about this band thanks to my long time friend Melissa, she has gotten to see them live about 50 times… that’s not an exaggeration, it's pretty close to accurate! This marks my second Sloan show and of course, with Melissa and this time she brought her awesome daughter Morgan. 


It was a fantastic show and the last one of this tour so they brought it! Now I know they just released their 13th album “Steady” but I am partial to the throwbacks and I will plug some in here below! 

Show your friends, your mom and your kids… these guys are a win for all! 

As always, take care of yourself! Love, Carrie Danger 








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