Monday, 15 May 2023 21:24

Musical Memories w/ Carrie Danger

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Today I thought I would highlight Radiohead, I listen to them often and not only that but I won’t ever forget my friend who introduced me to them outside of ‘Creep’, ‘Karma Police’ and ‘High and Dry’. 

Hop in my time machine and buckle in! *time machine sounds* 

2009, 20 year old Carrie is hanging out with a musician friend Dean and he made me a mix cd of songs that were great! *to the youths… burning mix cds was a really great gesture for your friends!* 

Anyway, on this cd there was a great variety of songs from The Roots to NERD to Radiohead and beyond. The Radiohead song he chose was from their album ‘In Rainbows’ and the song is ‘House of Cards’. I was entranced! I was familiar with Radiohead but WOW this sent me. 

I fell in love completely with the band and ate up all of their albums. 

To this day, ‘In Rainbows’ is my #1 choice followed by ‘The Bends’ and ‘Kid A’ 

There are a lot of great things out there but I will say it’s pretty rad when someone can make that much of an impact on you through the power of music! 

Thanks buddy, he is the drummer for the band Red Wanting Blue, check them out! 

As always, check your pie chart, take care of yourself! 
Love, Carrie Danger  






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